Check out our latest achievements

Dive into the heart of our achievements: definition of industrial process, controlled atmosphere production area design, All trades work project management and phasing, USP/DSP/cross-functional engineering, containment, H2O2 disinfection, HVAC and Fluids utility sizing, laboratory equipment, clean room design… For research laboratories and production sites in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceutical industries, cosmetics, and medical devices.

Integration of viral vector processes

Formalizing and compiling user needs. Carrying out pre-project studies - design, basic and detailed phases: Lists and specifications for process equipment and laboratory equipment, PID process equipment • Process studies and all trades work • Plans : implementation, flows, special flows, CVC, electricity, finishings • Planning • Detailed budget +/- 5% • Implementation and piloting of Company Consultation Files • Piloting and on-site construction monitoring • Project Management

Revamping of a chemistry laboratory

• Carrying out the preliminary design (studies, costing, planning) • Implementing company consultation files for all trade works : Demolition, asbestos removal and carpentry • Technical batches (HVAC, ELEC, Fluids) • Architectural batches • Laboratory equipment batches (37 fume hoods) • Making technical-financial comparisons • Implementation monitoring • Supervision of construction design • Coordination and planning • Budget management

Creation of a new biotechnological site

Engineering Project Management Assistance up to Commissioning & batch Qualification HVAC / Utilities Premises USP/DSP Equipment

Revamping of a production building

All trades work project management assistance • Implementation of the preliminary design studies, costing and planning • Implementation o company consultation files for structural work, floors, doors and partitions, HVAC, electricity and automation, fluids and equipment • Monitoring of structural studies and finishings • Making synthesis plans • On-Site construction monitoring, HSE, planning and budget • Qualifications, reception and stock tracking

Revamping of an animal house building

All trades work project management assistance • Implementation of the preliminary design studies, costing and planning • Implementation of company consultation files for structural work, floors, doors and partitions, HVAC, electricity and automation, fluids and equipment • Monitoring of structural studies and finishing • On-site construction monitoring, HSE, planning and budget • Qualification, reception and stock tracking

Revamping the research laboratories

All trades work engineering design and Process from the definition of needs to the preliminary design studies • Definition of an innovative implementation solution and focused on the evolution of work methodologies • Evaluation and definition of utilities • Commitment on project planning and budget

Design of a pilot production unit

All trades work engineering design and Process from the definition of needs to the preliminary design studies • Complete definition of the process in relation to the customer teams and researchers • Definition and scaling of utilities • Design in a controlled environment (ZAC)

Securing and increasing production capacity – washing equipment section

URS • Execution and steering of company Consultation Files (purchase of new washing equipment or revamping) • Technical alignment execution and order monitoring • Piloting and monitoring on-site construction • Execution FAT/SAT/QIQO

Engineering and non quality costs process equipment as part of the production of a new vaccine

Engineering studies and execution up to the Commissioning and Qualification of batches: Cell Culture and viral culture, gross Harvest and clarification, CIP Station


and tell us about your project


Agence ARA
Z.A.C. de Sacuny
440 rue Barthélémy Thimonnier
69530 Brignais – France

Agence IDF-Normandie
91 avenue des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris – France

Agence Centre-Val de Loire
CM101 – Cité de l’innovation
7 rue Auguste Rodin – Bâtiment 23
28630 Le Coudray – France

Tél. +33 (0)4 37 57 78 78


Z.A.C. de Sacuny
440 rue Barthélémy Thimonnier
69530 Brignais – France

Tel. +33 (0)4 37 57 78 78


MeetDistrict Madou
Boulevard Bischoffsheim 15
1000 Brussels

Tél. +32 (0)492 11 49 60

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